Monday, February 28, 2011

Hi, I'm Whitney and I'm a SciFi lover....

So I don’t know why I’ve ignored this fact for so long... I avoid the SciFi section at the bookstore. I skip over the SciFi channel unless provoked. In short I deprive my totally obvious inner nerd for no rational reason!!

The signs are all there... LOST, Fringe, Charlaine Harris, Stephen King, even Lewis Carroll!! The final kick in the head notification came this weekend when I read Beth Revis’ Across the Universe. It’s total teenaged science fiction at it’s best and I loved every minute of it. Again, I avoided it like the plaque... “Ughhh cryogentically frozen space people no thank you” even though Amazon, Livingsocial, and Goodreads all screamed their recommendations at me and tons of knitting librarians in my RaveLibrarians group sang it’s praises! I simply thought I knew my reading tastes better!! I was mistaken!

From Wikipedia

“Science fiction is a genre of fiction dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology, often in a futuristic setting.[1][2][3]
It differs from fantasy in that, within the context of the story, its imaginary elements are largely possible within scientifically established or scientifically postulated laws of nature (though some elements in a story might still be pure imaginative speculation). Exploring the consequences of such differences is the traditional purpose of science fiction, making it a "literature of ideas".[4] Science fiction is largely based on writing rationally about alternative possibilities.[5]
The settings for science fiction are often contrary to known reality, but the majority of science fiction relies on a considerable degree of suspension of disbelief, which is facilitated in the reader's mind by potential scientific    explanations or solutions to various fictional elements.”

Even the definition sounds like something I would read... now I’m left to ponder what other mental blocks I’ve placed on myself...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Note on eReaders!

So... I love my iPod, I love my iPhone, and I love to read... all this put together means I MUST definitely want an eReader... well not necessarily.

I admit that an eReader does seem pretty convenient , and the fact that you can store lots and lots of eBooks in one little device seems pretty cool but I love books. I love lots of pages bound together and seeing how far I am by how my book mark is dividing those pages. I like seeing the creativity in the cover art, and page composition in person where I can feel the paper and how heavy the book is. I mean lets face it if you’re going to commit to reading Under the Dome, you should have to lug that big ole sucker around!!  I feel like the eReader shows you a picture or a digital image of the actual book. It just doesn’t excite me.

That being said, if I was a traveler I could definitely see the perks. Easily transporting lots of stories and being able to delete and add more with the touch of a button. If I was on the go a lot I would be all for it!

If I did someday decide to betray my beloved books... First I would immediately nix the Amazon Kindle(s) not a single one of them are compatible with Library content and um hello I do in fact work in a library!! The Nook(s) look ok except that space is a little iffy there, I would want lots and lots of stories on there, plus stuff for Kaylyn, plus stuff to try and tempt Stephen.... tons of space needed!  I guess I would continue with my iRevolution and get an iPad... if for no other reason so that I could pretend that I got it for other apps and for fancy presentation making and then secretly read my eBooks in shame.

PS I got some nifty eReader comparison notes from Wikipedia if you are so inclined.

**A late edition... with my iPhone 4 that I got over the weekend, I received an iBooks App... I have yet to decide if I want to try it out or not... 

*Picture above from BCNN1

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A little ball of yarn...

So once upon a time I thought... "Hey I do a lot of baby knitting, I should buy some baby yarn..." and proceded to buy the biggest skein of baby yarn I could find... it was 1 pound of yarn and 1020 yards!!!! (Hence the name pound of love) It was mint green, soft (although acrylic) and washable and many many babies got a little bit of it!

Now, 2 years and 10 projects later I am down to this little tiny ball of yarn!!! Alice's Snazzy Vest was the final project before re-winding... and now I don't know what to do with this little scrap... suggestions??  It can't be more than 50 yards...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blog on Blogs

So what blogs do you read?  I’m always amazed at the different varieties of writing there is out  there, especially where the internet is concerned. In the matter of an hour you can learn new recipes, find a new knitting pattern, read reviews on the latest Stephen King (great BTW!) and then sum it all up in your own space of the WWW!

I’m always interested in the blogs and articles that I’m missing out there. For instance I just recently discovered the wonderful insight and banter of the Librarian in Black!  A wonderful look at traditional vs digitized libraries and how they are meshing nicely! I believe she is somewhat of a local celebrity in her hometown and her easy flowing posts show why! I also discovered that an all time favorite actor, Wallace Shawn, is a fantastic writer with a book of essays out!!

So now I ask, what else am I missing? What is your daily internet reading (besides Facebook and Ravelry which I am also addicted to)?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yay I found it!!!

Yay!! Finally a book that can explain to me how to fair isle without pulling and how to read lace charts without going nuts and how to...... no no, I will never steek so lets just forget that one!

I just got this book over the weekend and I love it! There are some really cute patterns (of course) and it explains some of the intricate knitting techniques without the stereo instruction style that so many knitting books take on!

I am almost caught up with my promised knitting so I can soon tackle some of the pretty pretty patterns in this book... My current favorite is the Colorful Cable Hat which I am thinking of for a certain friend displaced in a certain windy city... and also I am in love with Nip Tuck which is super cute, but the super cute model that it is on makes me worry about how it will look on me.

I am also itching to try an actual lace shawl (ie not k2tog yo but an actual chart) but I keep putting it off because I have this to knit and that to read and mostly because I'm scared... But there are some pretty lace designs in here too!

All in all a great book! Debbie Stoller doesn't disappoint!