Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yay I found it!!!

Yay!! Finally a book that can explain to me how to fair isle without pulling and how to read lace charts without going nuts and how to...... no no, I will never steek so lets just forget that one!

I just got this book over the weekend and I love it! There are some really cute patterns (of course) and it explains some of the intricate knitting techniques without the stereo instruction style that so many knitting books take on!

I am almost caught up with my promised knitting so I can soon tackle some of the pretty pretty patterns in this book... My current favorite is the Colorful Cable Hat which I am thinking of for a certain friend displaced in a certain windy city... and also I am in love with Nip Tuck which is super cute, but the super cute model that it is on makes me worry about how it will look on me.

I am also itching to try an actual lace shawl (ie not k2tog yo but an actual chart) but I keep putting it off because I have this to knit and that to read and mostly because I'm scared... But there are some pretty lace designs in here too!

All in all a great book! Debbie Stoller doesn't disappoint!


  1. Mmmm ... I'll have to check that one out. I didn't know that she had a new book. I've thought about picking up a copy of 'Happy Hooker' because I think I want to try my hand at crochet.

  2. Go for the lace shawl! I have started my first, it's not so bad. Just make sure you have something easy and simple to work on too to give your brain a rest. :)
