Sunday, October 30, 2011

A Snowy Halloween Weekend!!

Happy Halloween!! Unfortunately my party plans and Abby Shuto costume were thwarted by a freak snow storm in OCTOBER!!! I did get some much needed knitting and movie time though!!

It was a weekend of Halloween treats, movies, and knitting with the girls and Stephen and even though I was bummed about not getting to wear my lab coat and chucks out and about, we had a great time!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Knitting Up Loose Ends...

So life has stuck me again and kept me away from blogging... I have had a summer of library, kids, and absentee husband!!! But luckily after a much needed beach week and some time to re-group I am back!!

I have had some time to finish up some knitting projects including a super easy "boa" scarf for Kaylyn. She likes to be super fabulous on her birthday which was the 19th of September so I made this for her to wear to school!

Kaylyn's Boa Scarf

I have some exciting library/school/knitting projects coming up so be sure to stay tuned!!