Thursday, June 7, 2012

Book 1 (or 2) Down!!

I finished the first book off my Summer Reading list last night!! Ok, so it's really book 2 but it's the one I got in first!

I really wanted to read this trilogy because it's based on the inn that Nora Roberts restored in Boonsboro Maryland... (the Boonsboro Creamery anyone?!?) I'm really not into gushy romances...(you can't describe Fifty Shades as gushy) but the added ghost story makes these books doable.

In book two we didn't have all the introductions of characters and events like we did in book one, so that was a bonus. I still just can't get into this genre though. I need something more... love just isn't that perfect so there is no reason to read about it that way. I guess I need the whips and Fifty Shades... get it.

I got The Night Circus today so stay tuned for my review!!

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