Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Note on eReaders!

So... I love my iPod, I love my iPhone, and I love to read... all this put together means I MUST definitely want an eReader... well not necessarily.

I admit that an eReader does seem pretty convenient , and the fact that you can store lots and lots of eBooks in one little device seems pretty cool but I love books. I love lots of pages bound together and seeing how far I am by how my book mark is dividing those pages. I like seeing the creativity in the cover art, and page composition in person where I can feel the paper and how heavy the book is. I mean lets face it if you’re going to commit to reading Under the Dome, you should have to lug that big ole sucker around!!  I feel like the eReader shows you a picture or a digital image of the actual book. It just doesn’t excite me.

That being said, if I was a traveler I could definitely see the perks. Easily transporting lots of stories and being able to delete and add more with the touch of a button. If I was on the go a lot I would be all for it!

If I did someday decide to betray my beloved books... First I would immediately nix the Amazon Kindle(s) not a single one of them are compatible with Library content and um hello I do in fact work in a library!! The Nook(s) look ok except that space is a little iffy there, I would want lots and lots of stories on there, plus stuff for Kaylyn, plus stuff to try and tempt Stephen.... tons of space needed!  I guess I would continue with my iRevolution and get an iPad... if for no other reason so that I could pretend that I got it for other apps and for fancy presentation making and then secretly read my eBooks in shame.

PS I got some nifty eReader comparison notes from Wikipedia if you are so inclined.

**A late edition... with my iPhone 4 that I got over the weekend, I received an iBooks App... I have yet to decide if I want to try it out or not... 

*Picture above from BCNN1


  1. IF you decide you want to give it a whirl, there is google books and the Guggenheim Book project that is putting classical literature and books that are in the public domain into ebook formats for free download. :)

  2. My Mom has a Kindle and loves it! While I think it is a wonderful idea, I just can't let go of a real book. I love to feel the paper between my fingers! I also use the library for most of my reading needs.

    Now ... an E-reader to use for knitting patterns? I can see that!

  3. The hubby and I were both leary about an e-reader but he started with a 2nd generation kindle and I upgraded him with a 3rd generation for his bday and I inherited the 2nd gen one. Surprisingly, we really enjoy the e-readers. If I were to choose one to purchase I would go with the iPad now, simply for all of the other features. But right now I do like my kindle.
